March 2019


Fueled by vending machine drinks, we explored Tokyo's neighborhoods, from the tranquility of Meiji Jingu Shrine, to the insanity of the Robot Restaurant. We walked through Takeshita street and saw cherry blossoms, just beginning to bloom. On the last day we learned to make ramen and gyoza, then ducked into Omoide Yokocho ("piss alley") for yakitori.


After a fast Shinkansen ride to Kyoto, we grabbed food from the massive food court in the train station. The next day we rode the train to see the Fushimi Inari-taisha shrine and snacked on street food afterward. We rode bikes to the Arashiyama bamboo forest, then headed to Ginkaku-ji (silver pavilion) at sunset. Before heading back to Tokyo, we visited the overcrowded Kinkaku-ji (golden pavilion) and had lunch at Nishiki market.


Back in Tokyo, cherry blossoms were in full bloom right near Tokyo station. We visited the Sensō-ji temple and had a super-cold Asahi at the Asahi sky room while enjoying views of the city. On the last day, Lara and I went to the teamLab Borderless exhibit, a futuristic digital art museum.

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© 2019 Will Krieger