
September 2023


We met Jenna and Nick in Gamla Stan, Stockholm's old town. We wandered around before an unusual and fun dinner at Aifur Viking Bar. The next day, we visited the Vasa viking ship museum and the ABBA museum and tasted some Swedish snaps. Each day we made sure to fika (Swedish tradition of relaxing with a cup of coffee and a snack). On our last day in Stockholm, we walked around the neighborhood of Sodermalm. In the evening we visited the Fotografiska museum and had dinner and drinks in their restaurant at sunset.


The next morning we boarded a ferry to the island of Gotland. After figuring out some rental car shenanigans, we wandered around the medieval town of Visby. For dinner we ate at Lilla Bjers and were served an exceptional tasting menu served inside a beautiful greenhouse at sunset. We spent the rest of our time on Gotland exploring the many nature reserves. We drove to Lickershamn and hiked to Jungfrun, biked to the sea cliffs at Högklint, and climbed around the rauk formations at Folhammar. After ferrying back to Stockholm, we had a final dinner together in our hotel before Lara and I headed home.

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© 2023 Will Krieger